Olds Seed Planting Guide
- By JoAnne Hoatson
- 18 April 2018
How many seeds to you need? How far apart should you plant them? Check out this chart, courtesy of Olds Seeds, to learn more about properly planting seeds. Approx. Seed Count Planting Distance in Inches Type Per Ounce Per Pound Seed to use to direct seed a 100 foot row Planting Depth in […]
When to Plant What
- By JoAnne Hoatson
- 18 April 2018
Not sure when to plant what? Here’s a helpful chart from Olds Seeds with recommendation for some of the most common seeds. Kind Plant Early – As Soon As Soil Can Be Worked Plant One Month Later, As Soil Begins to Warm Plant at the Time of Last Average Frost Plant Two Weeks After Last Average […]
Proper watering is vital – here’s what you need to know
- By JoAnne Hoatson
- 20 March 2018
Proper watering is the most important thing you can do for your lawn. How much? Lawns need approximately 1” of water per week in the spring and fall, and 1 ½” to 2” in the hottest part of the summer. This will vary depending on the type of soil and the weather. Watering 1” is […]
Lawn Mowing Tips
- By JoAnne Hoatson
- 20 March 2018
Proper mowing is very important to the health of your lawn. Here’s a few tips to keep in mind: Use a sharp blade Dull blades beat the grass off rather than cutting it. Frayed tips make the lawn look yellow and dry. They also allow greater entry to some lawn diseases. Mow regularly Cut off […]
Lawn Prep: Aeration
- By JoAnne Hoatson
- 20 March 2018
Aerating is an important part of having a healthy lawn. Aeration allows water and air to reach the rootzone of the grass more quickly, spurring growth and root development. Lawns that are aerated will be healthier and easier to maintain. They also have fewer pest problems. It’s recommended that a lawn be aerated when your […]