Pro Lawn Service
- Premium fertilizer
- Weed control
- Insect control (turf damaging insects)
- Leaf blade disease control
#1 Spring Application (April / Mid May) Early season fertilizers and iron to initiate good color and growth, pre-emergent herbicide to prevent summer weeds (crabgrass, foxtail, etc.) and post-emergent herbicide to kill existing broadleaf weeds (henbit, dandelion, etc).
#2 Early Summer Application – (Late May / June) Balanced fertilizers and iron to keep the lawn green and healthy; pre-emergent herbicide to prevent late summer weeds (goosegrass, sandbur, spurge, etc); post-emergent herbicide to kill existing broadleaf weeds (dandelion, clover, etc); season-long soil insecticide to kill grubs and billbugs, and surface insecticide to kill sod webworms and cutworms.
#3 Summer Applications – (July / August) Primarily slow release fertilizers and iron to maintain green color and vigor during stressful summer heat and post-emergent herbicide to kill existing broadleaf weeds (spurge, bindweed, puslane, etc).
#4 Fall Application – (September / October) Heavy fertilizers and iron to thicken, build and prepare the lawn for winter and post-emergent herbicide to kill existing perennial broadleaf weeds (ground ivy, violet, dandelion, etc).
Leaf Blade Disease control is applied separately, and only as necessary, for leaf spot, dollar spot, brown patch, rust, etc.
Estate Lawn Service
For large lawns, 20,000 sqft or largerNorth Platte Area Only
- Premium fertilizer
- Weed control
#1 Spring Application (April / Mid May) Early season fertilizers and iron to initiate good color and growth, pre-emergent herbicide to prevent summer weeds (crabgrass, foxtail, etc.) and post-emergent herbicide to kill existing broadleaf weeds (henbit, dandelion, etc.).
#2 Early Summer Application – (Late May / June) Balanced fertilizers and iron to keep the lawn green and healthy; pre-emergent herbicide to prevent late summer weeds (goosegrass, sandbur, spurge, etc); post-emergent herbicide to kill existing broadleaf weeds (dandelion, clover, etc).
#3 Summer Applications – (July / August) Primarily slow release fertilizers and iron to maintain green color and vigor during stressful summer heat and post-emergent herbicide to kill existing broadleaf weeds (spurge, bindweed, puslane, etc).
#4 Fall Application – (September / October) Heavy fertilizers and iron to thicken, build and prepare the lawn for winter and post-emergent herbicide to kill existing perennial broadleaf weeds (ground ivy, violet, dandelion, etc).
Estate program customers may purchase an insect or disease control application for an additional cost.
Aeration has many benefits to help you achieve the beautiful, green, healthy lawn that we all desire. Most home lawns benefit from annual aeration. Heavily used lawns, or those growing on heavy clay or subsoils may need aeration twice a year.Aeration can help relieve soil compaction, allowing your grass to grow deeper roots and make better use of water and fertilizer. Lawns that receive aeration will be healthier, more vigorous, easier to maintain and will have fewer pest problems.
Benefits of core aeration are:
- Improved air exchange between the soil and the atmosphere
- Enhanced soil water uptake
- Improved fertilizer uptake and use
- Reduced water runoff and puddling
- Stronger turfgrass roots
- Reduced soil compaction
- Enhanced heat and drought stress tolerance
- Enhanced thatch breakdown
- Increased turf density